if (typeof lang !== 'object') {
lang = [];
lang['users.absent'] = `Absent`;
lang['users.absent_text'] = `Absent`;
lang['users.active'] = `Active`;
lang['users.active_members'] = `Active members`;
lang['users.add'] = `Add`;
lang['users.add_user'] = `Add user`;
lang['users.address'] = `Address`;
lang['users.address_data'] = `Addresses`;
lang['users.admin'] = `Admin`;
lang['users.birthday'] = `Birthday`;
lang['users.breadcrumb_edit'] = `Edit user`;
lang['users.breadcrumb_new'] = `New user`;
lang['users.breadcrumb_rights'] = `Rights`;
lang['users.breadcrumb_teams'] = `Teams`;
lang['users.breadcrumb_teams_overview'] = `Teams`;
lang['users.breadcrumb_users'] = `Users`;
lang['users.breadcrumb_users_overview'] = `Users`;
lang['users.cancel'] = `Cancel`;
lang['users.cellphone'] = `Cellphone`;
lang['users.city'] = `City`;
lang['users.company'] = `Company`;
lang['users.companies'] = `Companies`;
lang['users.country'] = `Country`;
lang['users.delete'] = `Delete`;
lang['users.delete_confirm'] = `Are you sure you want to delete this user? This is permanent and cannot be restored.`;
lang['users.delete_contact_confirm'] = `Are you sure you want to delete this contact? This is permanent and cannot be restored.`;
lang['users.delete_error'] = `This user does not exist or you do not have the rights to delete this user.`;
lang['users.delete_self_error'] = `You cannot delete yourself.`;
lang['users.description'] = `Description`;
lang['users.dont_change'] = `Don't change`;
lang['users.edit'] = `Edit`;
lang['users.edit_user'] = `Edit user`;
lang['users.edit_address'] = `Edit address`;
lang['users.edit_changed_error_email'] = `The emailaddress is not correct.`;
lang['users.edit_changed_error_password'] = `The password does not meet regulations. The password needs to be at least 8 characters long and you need to include at least 1 lowercase, 1 uppercase, 1 numeric and a special character.`;
lang['users.edit_changed_error_password_confirm'] = `The passwords are not the same.`;
lang['users.edit_changed_error_user'] = `Unauthorised access. If you are sure you have entered the correct e-mailaddress, please contact your administrator.`;
lang['users.edit_changed_successfull_text'] = `The password has been changed. You can now login with your new password.`;
lang['users.edit_changed_successfull_title'] = `Success`;
lang['users.email'] = `E-mail`;
lang['users.female'] = `Female`;
lang['users.firstname'] = `Firstname`;
lang['users.from'] = `From`;
lang['users.gender'] = `Gender`;
lang['users.help'] = `Help`;
lang['users.help_login'] = `Are you having troubles logging in or do you have questions about Learning Adventures?
Contact Annemieke Deenen with gamedesign@annemiekedeenen.nl.`;
lang['users.house_number'] = `Housenumber`;
lang['users.id'] = `ID`;
lang['users.lastname'] = `Lastname`;
lang['users.login'] = `Inloggen`;
lang['users.login_failed'] = `Incorrect E-mail Address or Password, please try again.`;
lang['users.mail_copy_link'] = `Als de knop niet werkt, kopieer en plak de onderstaande link in de browster:`;
lang['users.mail_questions'] = `Vragen?`;
lang['users.mail_contact'] = `Neem contact op met Learning Adventures via`;
lang['users.mail_new_user_password_title'] = `Nieuw account`;
lang['users.mail_new_user_password_heading'] = `Beste`;
lang['users.mail_new_user_password_first_time'] = `Let op: De eerste keer moet je je wachtwoord wijzigen.`;
lang['users.mail_new_user_password_text'] = `Welkom bij Learning Adventures! Je bent als gebruiker toegevoegd. Login via onderstaande button.`;
lang['users.mail_reset_user_password_title'] = `Reset password`;
lang['users.mail_reset_user_password_heading'] = `Beste`;
lang['users.mail_reset_user_password_text_pre'] = `Gebruik onderstaande link om je wachtwoord te resetten:`;
lang['users.mail_reset_user_password_text_post'] = `Als je geen verzoek hebt gedaan om je wachtwoord te wijzigen, neem dan contact op met je administrator.`;
lang['users.male'] = `Male`;
lang['users.name'] = `Name`;
lang['users.new_address'] = `New address`;
lang['users.no'] = `No`;
lang['users.notes'] = `Notes`;
lang['users.options'] = `Options`;
lang['users.password'] = `Password`;
lang['users.password_repeat'] = `Repeat password`;
lang['users.password_reset'] = `Reset password`;
lang['users.password_reset_email_send'] = `Send password reset e-mail`;
lang['users.password_reset_email_send_title'] = `Success`;
lang['users.password_reset_email_send_message'] = `If this e-mailaddress exists we have send an e-mail with a reset link.`;
lang['users.password_reset_invalid_email_title'] = `Invalid e-mailaddress`;
lang['users.password_reset_invalid_email_message'] = `You have entered an invalid e-mailaddress`;
lang['users.password_reset_unable_to_send_message'] = `The e-mail could not be send.`;
lang['users.password_change'] = `Change password`;
lang['users.password_requirements'] = `* Min. 8 characters`;
lang['users.phone'] = `Phone`;
lang['users.position'] = `Position`;
lang['users.postal'] = `Postal`;
lang['users.role'] = `Role`;
lang['users.roles'] = `Roles`;
lang['users.rights_intro'] = `Click the right group to view and change the rights of that group`;
lang['users.rights_group'] = `Right group`;
lang['users.save'] = `Save`;
lang['users.select'] = `Select`;
lang['users.select_edit_language'] = `Edit language`;
lang['users.team_data'] = `Teaminformation`;
lang['users.team_members'] = `Teammembers`;
lang['users.till'] = `Till`;
lang['users.unknown'] = `Unknown`;
lang['users.user'] = `User`;
lang['users.user_data'] = `Userdata`;
lang['users.view'] = `View`;
lang['users.yes'] = `Yes`;